Case Law

Ronald Parker Presents Seminar on Insurance Coverage Part 2

Watch the following recording to learn how you may review and select coverage to better protect you and your family economically from events

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Case Law

Ronald Parker Presents Seminar on Insurance Coverage Part 3

Watch the following recording to learn how you may review and select coverage to better protect you and your family economically from events

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Case Law

Workers’ Compensation Filing Deadlines

The Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission is the primary state agency that handles Workers Compensation claims within the State of Maryland. There is a website ( that contains a whole bunch of useful information for injured workers. This website contains an online filing system that enables employers and injured workers (or their lawyers) to file required documents electronically. When...

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Case Law

This Week in Family Law

The progress of the law is odd and uneven, as there are many elements of modern Maryland law that owe their origin to the Renaissance period or even back to 1066. There is a current case in the office where the main issue involves a law approved by Parliament back in the 1600s. However, family law definitely...

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