Getting the compensation you need after a car accident will depend on the evidence you can gather and how it is used to build a case in your favor. Our Parkville, MD car accident lawyer can investigate the accident further and use techniques to assign liability. Our team at Parker, Pallet, Slezak & Russell, LLC may be able to obtain traffic surveillance or business video that captures the accident in real time. We can also look over the police report and assess other evidence to build a case that is as strong as possible for compensation. Unfortunately, insurance companies and the at fault driver are not likely to prioritize your well-being. But you can rely on our team to pursue maximum compensation based on your injuries, earning loss, property damage, and more. Don’t go another day without a lawyer. We are ready to speak with you.

Collecting Evidence

When pursuing compensation for your damages and losses, having enough evidence is crucial. Hopefully before leaving the scene, you were able to gather the other drivers information. You will need their last name, driver’s license number, license plate number, insurance information, vehicle description, phone number, email, and current address. Examples of helpful evidence can be pictures and video of the scene, damage to both vehicles, and your injuries. Other evidence can include witness statements, medical records, and receipts from out-of-pocket expenses. We can interview witnesses to see if they provide valuable details on what they saw regarding the accident. By having medical records, it supports your claims about the type and severity of your injuries. Our dedicated car accident attorney can handle a variety of tasks while you focus on your health, such as speaking with insurance companies, negotiating settlement amounts, gathering evidence, and contacting witnesses. Let us deal with the tasks that would otherwise be stressful to you while you take time for yourself. We hope to offer support today. 

Negotiating A Settlement

After reporting the accident to your car insurance company, you are probably going to be contacted by an insurance adjuster in the days to follow. This person may come off friendly, but chances are their intention is to reduce or deny your claim. Sadly, insurance companies are often not there for claimants who need them at their worst. These companies are for profit and may do whatever they can to reduce or reject a claim for compensation. Our team can negotiate a settlement amount that fairly compensates you for what you went through. 

Parker, Pallett, Slezak & Russell, LLC

Car accidents are not just an inconvenience, they can completely turn someone’s life and health upside down. At Parker, Pallet, Slezak & Russell, LLC, we are committed to every client that reaches out to us for help. With our legal assistance, you can get the most repayment possible for your injury, damages, and losses. Our team can be strategic and relentless when seeking restitution for our clients. Please reach out today for a consultation. 

Common Causes Of Car Accidents

When you come to the office of Parker, Pallet, Slezak & Russell, LLC for help in recovering financial compensation for the injuries you’ve suffered in the crash, the first thing your Parkville car accident lawyer will do is look for evidence that will prove the fault of the other party. The following are some of the most common causes of crashes in the cases our firm has successfully handled.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents and encompasses any activity that diverts attention from driving. The most common distractions include:

  • Texting and Phone Calls: Using a mobile phone while driving is a significant distraction. Texting requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention, making it extremely dangerous. Even hands-free phone conversations can reduce a driver’s focus on the road.
  • Eating and Drinking: Consuming food or beverages while driving can divert attention and impair driving ability. Handling food or drinks can also be physically distracting.
  • In-Car Technology: Adjusting navigation systems, entertainment controls, or interacting with other in-car technologies can lead to distractions.

Distracted driving significantly increases the risk of accidents by impairing a driver’s ability to respond quickly to hazards or changes in traffic conditions.

Driving Under The Influence (DUI)

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a severe safety hazard and a primary cause of the car accidents each Parkville car accident lawyer at our firm handles. Impairment from substances can affect a driver’s:

  • Judgment: Alcohol and drugs can distort judgment, leading to poor decision-making, such as speeding or running red lights.
  • Coordination: Impaired coordination affects the ability to control the vehicle, including steering, braking, and accelerating correctly.
  • Reaction Time: Substance use slows reaction times, making responding quickly to sudden changes or emergencies on the road difficult.

Driving under the influence reduces overall driving ability and increases the likelihood of collisions, often with severe consequences.


Speeding is another common cause of car accidents, where driving at speeds higher than the posted limit or too fast for road conditions can be hazardous. The impacts of speeding include:

  • Reduced Reaction Time: Higher speeds decrease the time a driver has to react to unexpected obstacles or sudden changes in traffic conditions. This can lead to collisions that might have been avoided at lower speeds.
  • Increased Severity of Accidents: The force of impact in a collision is proportional to the vehicle’s speed. Faster speeds result in more severe crashes, leading to more significant damage and a higher risk of injury.
  • Loss of Vehicle Control: Excessive speed can make it challenging to maintain control of the vehicle, especially in adverse weather conditions or on curves and turns.

Speeding contributes to a significant number of accidents, and adhering to speed limits and adjusting speed for conditions can improve road safety.

Weather Conditions

Adverse weather conditions, such as rain, snow, ice, fog, or strong winds, significantly impact driving safety. Key issues related to weather include:

  • Reduced Visibility: Fog and heavy rain can limit visibility, making it difficult for drivers to see road signs, other vehicles, and hazards. This can lead to misjudgments and accidents.
  • Slippery Roads: Snow, ice, and even heavy rain can create slick road conditions, reducing tire traction and increasing the likelihood of skidding or losing control of the vehicle.
  • Longer Stopping Distances: Wet or icy roads increase stopping distances. Drivers need to adjust their speed and increase the distance between their vehicle and the one ahead to account for the reduced braking efficiency.

Call Our Personal Injury Law Firm Today

If you have been injured due to another driver’s negligence, call Parker, Pallet, Slezak & Russell, LLC to schedule a free and confidential consultation with a dedicated Parkville car accident lawyer and find out what legal recourse you may have.

Parker, Pallett, Slezak & Russell, LLC.

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"I had an amazing experience with Parker, Pallett, Slezak and Russell. My lawyer was Carmen Slezak she was amazing her and her team worked with me every step of the way. Amazing staff always an amazing atmosphere, friendly, and if you like dogs they have one or two at the office. I'm so thankful and greatful to have met the staff and feel almost like family. Thank you again Parker, Pallett, Slezak & Russell law office."
G Amato
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Parker, Pallett, Slezak & Russell, LLC

11450 Pulaski Hwy
White Marsh, MD 21162
Toll free: (410) 779-3590